
Advanced word

Advanced Microsoft Word training course will teach you to use the most powerful features of Word. This course is instructor-led, includes plenty of time to work through hands-on examples, and exercises in your own time.

Price & Date

Location Price Book
SAR 500.00 incl tax
+ -



o pupils

o University students

o All employees dealing with computers Anyone who wants to develop their skills

Prerequisites Windows .word basics of dealing with Windows Know the basics of writing on the keyboard


By the end of this course, you’ll be a Word expert. o An advanced Word course that covers its most advanced features. o Plenty of one to one attention and time to ask questions. o Friendly expert trainers, small groups and a comfortable place to learn. o All the materials and extras that you’ll ever need. o Ongoing support o Apply Quick Styles o Proofing and Language Features o Print and Share a Document o Add Tables, Captions, and Equations o Co-author a Document o View Documents on Web o Using Word Mobile 2010 o Insert Table of Contents, Index, References, and Footnotes o Create a Mail Merge o Use Text Building Blocks o Embed Objects


